Some random reflections for the day in pictures. Memories that make me smile!

2/06/11 ~ His Little Feet performing in Scottsdale, AZ.

Being able to reunite with the HLF interns - dear friends from Ellerslie!
Left to right: Aaron, James, Me, Brooke, Carrie, Rachel

11/03/10 ~ Zemer Levav performing at coffee shop in Payson, AZ. Healing melodies of worship to our King.

11/03/10~ Taking a walk with my sisters in Payson.
A special thanks to moi for these photos! :-P
Yes, thanks for that constructive comment, Danielle. You are really silent, Miss "silent librarian." :P You never say anything on my blog except for random posts like this.
So you got to see the "His Little Feet" choir! Wonderful!
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