Monday, November 7, 2011


There is no doubt about it. November is my favorite month out of the entire year. I love the way the sun falls at this time of year and the chill that overtakes you when you step outside. It's not just because it's the holiday season (although, Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday). It has to be the feeling of anticipation one gets when looking forward to the new year, coupled with a sense of humbling fulfillment as the present year draws to a close. So much learned and still more to be sought out and experienced! Life is so vastly interesting, trials, struggles, and all! Especially when you're living it through the eyes of Yeshua. I may have a "bad" day every now and then and choose, in my stubbornness, to allow little things to vex me. However, the truth is that, within the next day, God will have enlightened my mind with something wonderfully comforting about that silly struggle or that worrisome burden.
Last weekend, during a short get-away trip to Payson, I was blessed to hear my uncle's amazing worship leading. I sensed the Spirit speaking comfort to my heart through the lyrics of a song, You're Still God. It was written by a British worship leader, Godfrey Birtill. I wasn't particularly wrestling with anything in that moment, but the words certainly calmed my soul. Also, I found that I was able to sing it with hope and confidence, which is something I want to seek to do every day in Him!

Where O where's Your presence O God?
In this dry and weary land
So many people drifting away
How we need to understand...
You're still God
Even when we're unbelieving
Still God
When we're desperate for our healing
Still God, still God, still God.
You're still God
Even when our friends desert us
Still God
Even through the things that hurt us
Still God, still God
So I will be still, and know You are God.

Where O where's Your kingdom O God?
We have let holiness go
So many idols litter our land
We've got to let this nation know...
You're Still God
When the government has no answers
Still God
When the media lowers the standard
Still God, still God, still God
You're still God
When the plans we make are worthless
Still God
When we lose our sense of purpose
Still God, You're still God,
So I will be still, and know You are God.
When will Jesus really be seen
Through the church that bears his name
Agents of his kingdom, his peace
In the world for which he came
You're still God
Even though You were rejected
Still God
Though You were ridiculed, deserted
Still God, still God, still God
You're still God
Though You suffered execution
Still God
You’re alive and Christ our champion
Still God, still God
So I will be still, and know You are God