The picture to the left is of my daddy and me at the Rocky Mountains. We would have posed towards the mountains covered in snow, but my camera couldn't adjust to the lighting from that other view. The route through the Rocky Mountains was glorious and majestic!! We were able to see a ton of elk and play in a bit of snow (which is fascinating to us Arizonans!).

My bro and sis! My mom didn't make it into any of my cell phone pics because she didn't step out of the car (haha, she's not very adventurous!).
Bow your heavens, O LORD, and come down! Touch the mountains so that they smoke! ~ Psalm 144:5
Okay, this is my real "farewell!" to blog world! haha! Tomorrow morning we shall leave to Windsor, which is about an hour east from here, I think. I will be attending the "welcome" banquet for all the students at Ellerslie in the evening. I just can't believe that I'm going to finally be with all the wonderful ladies I've met through Ellerslie. Many of them have become such precious sisters in the Lord! I'm looking forward to developing deeper friendships with them, as well as meet Eric and Leslie Ludy. It's so strange to think that picking up their book, When God Writes Your Love Story, over 2 years ago would have led me to follow their ministry and then onward to this path to Ellerslie. *sigh* God's glorious ordaining! :-)
Lord be near you all!
As I went down in the river to pray
Studyin' about that good ole way
and who shall wear the starry crown
good Lord show me the way
O sisters let’s go down, let’s go down, come on down
O sisters let’s go down, down in the river to pray
Ellerslie is a beautiful place - I loved being there last weekend! I'm confident that your experience there will be a blessed time of growing in the Lord.
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